Saturday, September 24, 2011

A college application essay that diverged...

Spell used: Aparecium

Fifty years from now, the Fourth Estate will be described as where it all began; an international meeting-place for 650 of the most influential world-changers of tomorrow. People will talk about how these youth rid the world of insecurities. Of how they put a stop to impunity, and started the beginning of the end to the longest running war in Africa. 

I will tell stories of how I met exceedingly inspirational, admirable, and talented peace activists while there. Of how they turned my world upside down and changed my heart forever. I will tell of how I stepped up and worked to end the LRA’s regime and the 25 year long war in Central Africa. I will be able to say, "I got there soon enough," and hope not to ask, "Where were you?"

We will all look back and see how these people changed the Earth- working against the adversity of those within our community and around the world. For innocent children do not deserve to suffer from the stupidity of adults. As being the elder, we must grow in in four directions: mentally, physically, spiritually, and most important EMOTIONALLY. For when we understand the complexity of happiness, sadness, and empathy we learn how to advise ourselves in the directions we take in life. We will learn to ask ourselves "Why are we uncomfortable?" And beyond that, we learn to ask that not to simply identify to ignore, but identify to address.

You will see that these individuals are the popular kids. You will want what they have because when we are all old and dying from wrinkle disease, they will be at peace with themselves because they know the world is as well. Observing them is the best thing that we can do, because in all honestly, they have what we all want- the joy that comes from the joy of others. 

"A mentor once told me that 'Joy is the oxygen to life during the times of difficult demands.' I try to live by this ideal, always knowing that if I can bring joy to a difficult situation and make people smile, I’ve accomplished the ultimate goal of the day- to spread happiness."

Fifty years from now, we will all realize that I was right- going to the Fourth Estate destroyed my life in every way possible. It made me start living a life that demanded explanation.