Saturday, September 24, 2011

A college application essay that diverged...

Spell used: Aparecium

Fifty years from now, the Fourth Estate will be described as where it all began; an international meeting-place for 650 of the most influential world-changers of tomorrow. People will talk about how these youth rid the world of insecurities. Of how they put a stop to impunity, and started the beginning of the end to the longest running war in Africa. 

I will tell stories of how I met exceedingly inspirational, admirable, and talented peace activists while there. Of how they turned my world upside down and changed my heart forever. I will tell of how I stepped up and worked to end the LRA’s regime and the 25 year long war in Central Africa. I will be able to say, "I got there soon enough," and hope not to ask, "Where were you?"

We will all look back and see how these people changed the Earth- working against the adversity of those within our community and around the world. For innocent children do not deserve to suffer from the stupidity of adults. As being the elder, we must grow in in four directions: mentally, physically, spiritually, and most important EMOTIONALLY. For when we understand the complexity of happiness, sadness, and empathy we learn how to advise ourselves in the directions we take in life. We will learn to ask ourselves "Why are we uncomfortable?" And beyond that, we learn to ask that not to simply identify to ignore, but identify to address.

You will see that these individuals are the popular kids. You will want what they have because when we are all old and dying from wrinkle disease, they will be at peace with themselves because they know the world is as well. Observing them is the best thing that we can do, because in all honestly, they have what we all want- the joy that comes from the joy of others. 

"A mentor once told me that 'Joy is the oxygen to life during the times of difficult demands.' I try to live by this ideal, always knowing that if I can bring joy to a difficult situation and make people smile, I’ve accomplished the ultimate goal of the day- to spread happiness."

Fifty years from now, we will all realize that I was right- going to the Fourth Estate destroyed my life in every way possible. It made me start living a life that demanded explanation.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Most Quotable People I Have Ever Met....

 Spell used: Sonorus

As the same with Brazil, I cannot begin to fathom the question "How was the Fourth Estate?" I might spontaneously combust if I tried to answer that one.

What I can relay to you are some of the magnificent things the speakers  said to us. These people were truly the epitome of amazing/inspirational/life-changers.

READ ALL OF THEM. They might just change your life too.

"Anger is like holding a hot coal while waiting to throw it at enemies-- you get burned in the process." - Tom Shadyac

"Live a life that demands explanation." - Not sure who said this, but it was someone at the 4E

"We are here for a minute, but we want to leave a legacy." -Jedidiah Jenkins

"Proving the universal through the specific." -Jason Russell

"The potential we all have is dangerous. We must make it kinetic, otherwise it's like it's not there." - Sean Stevenson

"Live on purpose." - Sean Stevenson

"The difference between arrogance and confidence is the difference between proving yourself and improving yourself." - Sean Stevenson

"We all share one common limitation: the size of your BUT." -Sean Stevenson (and no, not "butt")

and going along with the quote above.... "When we sit back on our 'buts', we miss the opportunities in life."- Sean Stevenson

 "Learn to listen to the five year old child inside of you. NEVER go as far as wanting to silence that child forever." - Sean Stevenson

"Every moment in your life is preparing you for opportunity to come." -Jason Russell

"Think of what you want to be on your tombstone."-Jason Russell

"Most people believe the world can be better, and given the opportunity they will try." -Marian Rachmere

"The world is dangerous not because of the evil people, but because of the people who do nothing." -Albert Einstein (Marian quoted him... Albert Einstein wasn't actually at the conference.)

"It's not about the grammar, but rather how you TELL the story." - Carl Wilkins

"It's not about what you don't have and can't do with it. It's about what you do with what you have." -Carl Wilkins

"Genocide stems from thinking that says 'My world would be better without you."- Carl Wilkins

"We need to hear the stories of the bystanders, the perpetrators, and the victims." Carl Wilkins

"People don't give to charities, they give to PEOPLE." - Carl Wilkins

"Empathy is the ultimate invisible hand." - Jeremy Rifkin

"It's not 'Where is God?', it's 'Where's Gods people?"- Gary Haugen

"Jump first, fear later."- Ben Keesey

"Don't imitate, innovate."- Shannon Davis

"Joy is the oxygen during the times of hard demands." - Shannon Davis

"True change can only come from within."-Adam Finck

"Blood red is the color of people, and that's what matters." -Jolly Okot

"ALWAYS ASK."- Shervin Pisherar

"The most successful businesses are the ones that embrace friendship." - Shervin Pisherar

"Giving up yourself is when you truly find yourself."- Shervin Pisherar

"While we sit on our cushion of wealth and comfort, we fall asleep." -Tom Shadyac

"Building the plane as it's flying." - Ben Keesey

"We all live under the same sky, but we don't all have the same horizon." -Konrad

"Character is what you do in the dark." -.... can't remember....

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes it's that quite voice that says 'I'll try again tomorrow."- Marian Rachmere

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Top 10 things you need to know before leaving for Brazil...

Spell used:  Prior Incantato

In reflection of my two week long trip to Sao Paulo Brazil, I've begun to realize the magnitude which this trip has weighed upon me emotionally, spiritually, and physically (I have no regular eating schedule now...poo...). I cannot begin to describe "How my trip was" to anyone who wasn't there with me. So much happened in such a short period of time I'm still reeling from it all; even though I've been back for two weeks now.

I need time to reflect. I need time to cope. I need time to think.

And so at this time I do not have words for you to describe how my trip to South America went. Thus, here are a few simple things I can tell you about in regards to my trip. When I feel recouped, I will blog about my full length expedition to Brazil.

So until then, enjoy!

1. Do not eat any vegetables while in Brazil--this includes restaurants! When they wash the vegetables down there, if they do, they use local water which may be contaminated with little nasties that make you go poop.... a lot... So don't put yourself at risk, just eat unhealthily.
2. Take the bathroom garbage out every day!  The plumbing in Brazil is not equipped to handle the clogging power of toilette paper, and so you must throw away your TP in a trash can by THE CAN. If you don't take this out every day, your bathroom will begin to smell like a bathroom.
3. Do not look at the dogs. They're like minions-- cute but dangerous.
4. Watch where you walk at all times! Brazilian laws do not require people to pick up their dog excrement's. Thus, the streets are minefields.
5. Stay on the sidewalk, or DIE. Once again, Brazilian law is different that ours in respect to pedestrian versus car battles. The car has right-of-way. End of story.
6. 1 USD= 1.55 Brazilian real
7. Don't get on the back of a motorcycle. Four motorcyclists die every day in Sao Paulo alone because of their reckless driving.
8. Just because a nice person puts a bag of candy on your car side mirror while waiting at a stop light does not mean you get to keep it. You touch it, you pay.
9. Eu não falam Português. (E-oo no fall-oo Port-oo-geous) I don't speak Portuguese.
10. Go to the Copacabana beach. It's beautiful!

 Isabella-- my favorite Brazilian baby I adopted

More about my trip coming soon!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why I love ballet...

Spell used: Orchideous

I believe a picture can speak a thousand words (which means I already have roughly 25,000 words here...)-- thus explaining my love for ballet quite nicely.


My favorite ballet dance of all time, Polina Semionova. She is my inspiration.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

For Invisible Children!

Spell used: Tarantallegra (Why not...)

"Random-art-skills-that-I-have-and-if-applied-seriously-to-an-artistic-medium-I-might-go-pro Page"

Yes, yes, some of these "artistic" skills are creepy (i.e. the faceinhole pictures), but they are still a form of art as they relate to photography and computer design.

And if anyone wants to fuel my photography passion and buy be a Nikon D90, be my guest.

Agnes from "Despicable Me" drawn with Crayola Crayon

Minions from "Despicable Me" painted with Crayola Washable/Nontoxic paint

Photography Skills

The sculpture I'm holding is about thirty light bulbs strung together with some clear sewing thread. It's suppose to represent embracing your own "inner light".
Faceinhole Skills

Movie I made for Gloria with my super pro (sarcasm) Windows Movie Making Program. And I'm not saying that the quality of this movie is brilliant, I'm saying that the creativity behind it is.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Thrill of the Race

Spell Used: Prior Incantato

Don't you love going through old documents on your computer? Honestly, things I wrote in third grade are still on my zip drive, haha. Gotta' love reading "papers" you wrote when you were eight!

This poems was for a 9th grade English project. Personally, I think it is very good considering how naive a writer I was three years ago. (And I am still a naive writer, don't misunderstand!)

Anyway, I hope you are amazed by it as much as I was about ten minutes ago!

The Thrill of the Race

I celebrate myself in the hardest moments of my life.
When my heart is racing and my legs are pulsing.
My body concave with physical fatigue,
But I will not surrender, not today, nor ever.
This is a mental game,
Not a physical one.
The run holds the thrill of the chase,
Or rather, the thrill of the race.

Before the animals are released, everyone is still.
The air around us is frozen,
And laden with tension.
No one dares to speak a word.
The Man raises his arm, and with the flex of his finger,
He sends us off onto our own mental battle.

Everyone starts strong,
Tall and proud, with a long lanky stride.
However, this does not last forever.
Slopes become mountains,
And feet become miles.

There comes a point in the race when I find myself asking,
“Why am I not stopping?”
My legs are screaming and my breath is ragged, but I know,
This is a mental game,
Not a physical one.

The hardest part of the race is when the finish line comes in sight.
Digging deep and using the last shreds of energy,
I propel myself this one last time.
I want to regret nothing when I am done,
So my legs turn even faster.
A feeling is then produced,
And it screams at me to stop.
Walking becomes enticing, but I know,
I am almost done- I have almost won.

I will enjoy the last thrill of the race.

*If you didn't figure it out, I was referring to a cross country race throughout the poem.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My wisdom teeth fiasco.

Charms, Spells, and Curses used: Stupify, Obliviate, Mobilicorpus, Immobulus

Before I commence on the reenactment of my wisdom teeth extraction, let me be clear: THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN TO THE AVERAGE HUMAN EXPERIENCING THE REMOVAL OF THEIR WISDOM TEETH. I just so happened to be the lucky rarity to the experience I have explained below. My surgeon even admitted that I had a more difficult time than most. So just remember, I am a unique and extremely unlucky person for having all of this happen to me.

And thus begins my story.

After watching a recent Glee episode about the mixing of oral care and anesthetics, I was rather excited to undergo my oral surgery the upcoming week. The episode played anesthetics off as a magical experience filled with fantasies of Britney Spears singing/dancing with some sexy men. However, to my complete and utter surprise (not), the experience was nothing like it.

Just a side note for the people who haven't had the surgery yet: DO NOT be fooled by the overly appealing interior decor of the waiting room. That's where they lure you into a false sense of serenity and calm. (Only upon entering the surgery room do you realize what you're in for.) I'm serious, the location I went to looked like a picture straight out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine... or an Ikea room display.

I was giddy with excited to have my wisdom teeth taken out upon arrival. After about ten minutes of filling out insurance wavers, I was finally admitted into a surgery room. Now let me tell you, those rooms are BUTT COLD. It's so cold they have blankets for the patient to cover-up with so they don't freeze during surgery.They also have a monitor that you can find in a "real" hospital surgery room with all of the heart rate lines and blood pressure numbers. It's intimidating, to say the least. Anyway, I sat down in the chair and waited for the nurse to come in. When she finally arrived, I was immediately concerned for my personal well-being. I swear the nurse was on steroids. Not muscle-enhancing steroids, but happy-enhancing steroids. She was straight out of either Happyville or Insanetown.

"Have you taken your happy pill for today?"

"Yes, yes I have!"

My mind neglects to remember what she said exactly, but she produced some x-rays out of her lab coat and animatedly demonstrated how the surgery was going to proceed. Then another nurse came in (a more "professional" one) and decided it was time to hook me up to the IV and prepare my arm for the anesthetics. Here's a picture of what all went into my arm:

As you can see, there's a lot going on. It was painful. (Also, don't believe them when they say it feels like a "pinch"...... More like a stab....)

After that, everything started to move very quickly. I remember them walking around me getting ready, and I was sitting in my chair, staring out the window giggling with nervous excitement. Then the crazy nurse said something like

"Nighty-night, off to Disneyland for you!"

Of course I was still laughing because of the anesthetics, but in my mind I was really thinking

Do you think I'm stupid woman?

The fun now begins.

Most people start to remember what happened to them after they wake up from anesthetics. Me however, I only remember what I'm about to tell you (which is saying something).

The first thing I heard upon waking up was someone apologizing to me. (Great way to wake-up, isn't it?) Anyone who's had anesthetics before knows that when you first wake-up, everything is extremely confusing. So combined the apologies with the already existing confusion, I was double-y more confused/worried about why a nurse was saying she was sorry to me. Then I feel back asleep (I guess not too worried though, ahah). The next time I woke up, I heard a girl next to me whimpering and crying. I tried to sit up, but the bed I was laying on kept spinning and I was tempted to throw up; so I just continued to stay lying down on my spinning bed. In the midst of me trying to fight off the confusion, I felt the sudden need to start kicking the wall. So I did. I kept kicking for awhile, but then it lost its luster and I stopped. So I just laid there in my confusion listening to the crying girl. After a bit I had an impulse to start crying like the girl, so I did. And then I sobbed myself to sleep.

Next time I woke up, my mom was sitting at the end of my little recovery bed cooing and soothing like a good mommy. Then a nurse came in and turned the lights on. Oh my goodness, that was painful. Too much light with too little warning. The nurse came over to my bed and started saying that I needed to sit up. I was still extremely confused about everything, so I attempted to play it off as me still sleeping. But this nurse was a persistent little thing. She literally lifted me up and sat me up right next to my mom. Funny thing was, I nearly threw up on her after she had lifted me up (only payback). Of course, I had a mild case of nausea from the anesthetics. So the nurse went and got some anti-nausea meds and injected them into my arm (which hurt by the way). Not having any apparent affect, they had to give me the maximum dosage of the anti-nausea meds they could give me. Unfortunately, this had little to no affect so I ended up staying there for another hour (as informed to me by my mom).

I have no recollection of this next part because I swear they preformed some kind of Stupify, Obliviate, Mobilicorpus, or Immobulus curse on me (or just too much anesthetics). Most people are awake and ready walk out of the ortho surgery place on their own. Apparently I had to be wheeled out in the Wheel Chair of Honor. Yay to me.

This next part I remember vividly. After somehow getting home and into my bed, I woke up with my throat in such excruciating pain I started screaming. I remember crying because it hurt so bad; saying things like "God, just make it stop." and "I'm begging you, please make it go away." Really awful stuff. I feel bad for my mom having to listen to me, considering she couldn't do anything to help.

And oh god, then there were so many pills! I think I counted up to fourteen pills a day for the first two or three days. With my throat hurting as badly as it was, pill-time was pain-time. Each swallow was like gravel or nails or something of the liking sandpaper-ing my throat. There was a lot of crying to say the least.

After those first few days, things started to get better. Ignoring all of the blood stains on my pillow from my broken gums and my cheeks swelling to epic sizes, things were improving.... slightly. After about a week I was off the pain meds (and thank god for that. Those things really took me off planet Earth and put me onto planet I-can-do-anything-I-want-and-hey-look-there-goes-a-unicorn). School finally cames around and I went back on Tuesday with my cheeks still swollen and looking ever more like a chipmunk.

And cue the infections.

Apparently it's normal for people to get one infection. Me though, not being normal in the slightest sense, I got four. The first one I went into the doctor and they painfully put a pieces of gauze in the empty socket to let the nasty stuff (aka puss) drain out (and the gauze strip tainted all of my food with a nasty, papery taste until they were taken out a week later). Then, set in infection two. I caught it early enough to stop it without having to go to the doctor again and being prescribed another 24 penicillin. However, the check-up for the first infection was scheduled right after the second infection had started to go down, so of course, the doctors noticed and were worried again. I reassured them it didn't hurt and was going down-- so they let me go. Then set in infection three (about two weeks later). My mom (after the first infection) had given me a lecture about how I could die if I left an oral infection untreated, so of course, when the first signs of infection three set in, I told my mom right away. Yet another hospital visit and another prescription of penicillin. The doctors were surprised to see me again and I also detected a hint of annoyance. This made me mad at them, so I was determined to never go back to that place again (most people only visit three times in total. I had visited six by the end). About two weeks later, the beginning of infection four set in. I jumped on it and brought it down. No doctor visit and the end of my infection plague.

Now many of you may be thinking that I wasn't taking good enough care of my mouth to get all of these infections. Just some background information about my previous healing processes. My cartilage piercing I got freshman year still hasn't healed. I have sources that will back me up in me saying that I was the most avid cleaner of that piercing that they had ever seen. Plus other healing issues, I have deduced that I have healing issues. Sooooooo, not all of these infections can be blamed on my ability to clean it or not. I admit, the first two were my fault. But that last two, those where just random and NOT my fault.

Oh, also, the thing the nurse was apologizing to me for was because a gauge had fallen on my head when I was sleeping in the recovery room. This is the culprit (my mom took the picture):

Apparently the gauge left a huge bump on my forehead and the whole ortho surgery place had to do a write up and an investigation on the falling gauge incident. *We could have sued the *poop* out of them, but being gracious us, we didn't.

And there you have it. The whole story of my wisdom teeth extraction. A bit of a long one, but there were a lot of things that went wrong with me.

P.S. I initially wrote this post in December. I am adding this post script now, in May. Just to let you know, I started to get yet another infection about a month back. I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T MY CLEANING ABILITY'S FAULT THAT I KEPT GETTING INFECTIONS! I just have problems healing. (And I managed to make the infection go away on my own accord... Without having to go to the doctor again.)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Procrastination is my favorite thing!

*This was suppose to be posted last Thursday, but my internet decided to stop working right when I wanted to post it...

Charm Used: Accio (Professor Trelawney)

To this point, at 9:54 pm, I have not started a wink of homework. Despite the mounting pressure and anxiety of the coming IB exams in less than seven days (holy crap), I still manage to be so unmotivated I neglect to start homework until nearly 10 pm. Shoot (and many other words).

I guess that's what caffeine is for.

That's a bad habit... Drinking caffeine at 10 at night.... I should stop..........Nahhhhh.

GPA > sleep

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to tell you all about my most recent, and ridiculous, dream. I realized that even after I set up my dream deciphering page months ago I never followed though with telling you about what my subconscious was trying to tell me via dreams.

So here we go.

Disclaimer: "I swear to you, before you read this next bit of information, that it is 100% true. I am not making this up. It really happened to me- despite how unrealistically awesome it sounds. Do not be fooled by its greatness."

This dream was about two weeks ago during a nap I took instead of studying for chemistry (what else).

It started off with me and a bunch of other people on Sophomore Street having some kind of lunch party. There was a Taco Cart ("Roach Coach" as my mom calls them) and a little plastic, blue kiddie pool parked in the middle of the road. We were all dancing, having fun doing whatever you do in dream Dance Parties. Then everyone decided that they wanted to go in the kiddie pool to cool off. Problem was, the pool was filled with pH 12 liquid (CHEMISTRY) and it would burn when it touched your skin. So they decided to compromise and only dunk their shoes in the liquid and then put them back on to "feel the burn". (I feel like this was a drug reference in my dreams, because I remember I felt bad about the whole thing and I didn't want to take part in the activities.... Maybe it had something to do with acids... DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME, I AM NOT A DRUGGIE. I THINK DRUGS ARE STUPID AND PEOPLE WHO USE AND ABUSE ARE EVEN MORE STUPID.) Everyone was pressuring me to just put one of my boots in the liquid and nothing bad would happen. Of course, being awesome me, I said no and did not fold to the peer pressure. But right before I was going to walk away, this crazy Swiss lady came running up to the group and started screaming out for someone named "Methane" (CHEMISTRY). Accent and all, she kept screaming for "Methane" and that, who ever "Methane" was, needed to take a math test retake. She then proceeded to grab me and start yelling/scolding for not coming to take my math retake. I kept insisting that I really didn't have a math retake. She kept dragging me along saying it was imperative I take this test. I started to get heated with her saying, no, as a matter-o-fact, I was not. She kept calling me "Methane". I started to yell.

And then I woke up.


Food- "Selling food is a dream of contrary and signifies a stroke of money luck; buying food predicts a happy family celebration."
Pool- "A swimming pool is a symbol of social gaiety, unless it was empty, dirty, or in poor condition, in which case it is a warning against gambling or speculation...To dream of playing in a pool suggests that you would benefit from cultivating new interests and new companions."
Exam (didn't have "test")- " The classic daddy of obstacle dreams with a classic simplicity of meaning. If you failed the examination, the dream is telling you that your ambitions are beyond your ability... If you passed the exam, it predicts comfortable achievement of all your hopes." (Not sure how to interpret this in regards to my 'non-existent retake'...)
Foreign- "A foreigner in your dream, whatever the nationality, is an auspicious omen if he or she was friendly." (NOT)
Boots- "If [the boots] were shabby and/or ill-fitting, you would be well advised to give more serious attention to your personal affairs."
Didn't have the meaning for "base" or "chemistry".
Didn't have the meaning for "math".

Thus, in conclusion, within the next month or so, I could possibly have a family celebration at which we may or may not go to a casino and gamble. If this were to happen, I should watch my money because I might loose everything. However, it being my lucky day, I will come into money luck because of my awesome skills at casino games (because I play them all the time............. *sarcasm*). This might piss someone off though because I am so inexperienced yet still manage to win money. This bad vibe between me and this "personal affair" person could end in a complete disaster.

Ohh, I'm good.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Your voice is a resource."

Spell Used: Sonorus

Considering I only learned about Invisible Children's existence about a month ago, I am floored by how quickly I have become an advocate for their organization and a such a strong supporter of their ideals. It's an intangible quality, or power, that they possess over people, I swear! The news that they bring to us in the States is stuff I have never heard of before, and amazes me all the same because I haven't heard of these atrocities even though they've been going on for some 25 odd years. And better yet, they're appealing to the youth of today, the future leaders of our world to help stop these atrocities. Maybe the power they hold over me and the thousands of other supporters is the fact that they place responsibility and power in our hands- letting us run with it and see how far we can take it (the opposing of the mother who fears us to run with scissors, i.e THE MAN). Nevertheless, this binding power transfuses into inspiration. And of course, the inevitable, this inspiration drives us to do something crazy-- to "shut-up" for an entire 25 hours (in honor of an IC event). In a society where communication is the bread and butter of our life, this task seemed impossible; which it, unfortunately, proved to be.

Before I get going, I just need to make sure you know who the Invisible Children are and what they are doing.

"Invisible Children is a non-profit organization who is helping save children (and now the general public) in Uganda, Sudan, and Congo from being forced into a rebel army led by Joseph Kony. If abducted into the army, these children are forced to kill and inflict as much destruction on surrounding villages as possible... The premise behind 25 is that after signing up, you stay quiet for 25 hours (on April 25) representing the 25 years this war has been going on and also how children in that area don't have a voice to call for help when they need it.

"25's focus is to raise awareness for the next stage of the Invisible Children's mission called The Protection Plan. The purpose of this is to set up radio tower across the remote regions of Central Africa so that they can communicate with each other about the LRA's (Lord's Resistance Army, lead by Joseph Kony) movements and provide forewarning to these rural communities. The goal of this radio system is to allow people to escape from villages before the LRA attack and virtually save people's lives. The Protection Plan would also set up a rehabilitation center for children who have escaped from the LRA and provide the psychiatric help they need before reintegrating into society." (Directly from an email I sent to people in my address book informing them about 25 and ways they can help.)

The IC (Invisible Children) event that took place on April 25th, 2011 had many goals. First were for the people in the "developed" counties. The people who participated in 25 on the giving end were to:

1. Be silent for 25 hours
2. Raise $25
3. Spread the world about the event/IC

While numbers 2 and 3 were probably the most important overall for IC and the central African people, they were not the hardest. Number 1, if taken seriously, was in fact the most arduous task of them all. Metaphorically speaking, not speaking was representative of speaking in central Africa. Confused? This whole "not speaking thing" was the bases for 25. It acted as a silent manifestation of the repression people in areas such as Sudan, Uganda, DR Congo, and the Central African Republic suffer from every single day. Not being able to call for help when they need it, not being able to appeal to their government in resolution of their problems; the list goes on and on. When you dissect what you talk about on a day to day basis, you realize the degree to which you take advantage of this resource. As I thought this up last night,"Your voice is a resource." (And one that we often take for granted.) I actually had one person tell me yesterday when I wasn't responding to her that she thought when people don't respond to her, she perceives them as sad and empty. SO PERFECT. Do you see how in our culture when someone doesn't speak, their seen as disconnected and sad? So then why doesn't this strike the same nerve with the American people when we learn about people overseas who LITERALLY CANNOT SPEAK OUT IN FEAR OF DEATH? What possible factor continually inhibits the same empathy we show for our peers than those people in central Africa?

I will tell you.

Because we're stupid.

No, just kidding (haha, I'm hilarious).

But in all seriousness, why do we automatically turn off when we hear someone telling us about a charity that they're doing, or a event that their participating in to save babies in Mongolia? In response to the third item we were suppose to do as part of 25, I emailed nearly everyone in my address book, I asked my church elders if I could talk to the congregation about this event. You want to know what happened? Two out of the twenty odd people I emailed replied. None of the church elders responded to my email asking if I could share this with the church body. People who I repeatedly asked if they would donate or at least go the the IC website never did. So why is it that people are so concerned for you, here in America, when you don't speak, but not for a person who can't speak on a different continent WHEN THEIR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT? Ponder that.

But anyway, that little tangent leads me to me final point. While I did not manage to be silent for the full 25 hours (to my dismay), 25 has provided an eye-opening stepping stone to my participation as a global activist. Maybe not a super intense activist, but at least one who is doing what they can at home to make a difference in their community.

One step at a time my friend, one step at a time...

If you would like to learn more about Invisible children and what they are doing, go to:

I also highly encourage you to watch this video by Invisible Children. It explains what The Protection Plan is doing and how it will affect the lives of the African people, as well as our own, in the near future.

And last note, 25 raised just under $1.7 million for The Protection Plan (worldwide). The best part: 100% of the proceeds will go towards implementing this plan.
