Thursday, April 28, 2011

Procrastination is my favorite thing!

*This was suppose to be posted last Thursday, but my internet decided to stop working right when I wanted to post it...

Charm Used: Accio (Professor Trelawney)

To this point, at 9:54 pm, I have not started a wink of homework. Despite the mounting pressure and anxiety of the coming IB exams in less than seven days (holy crap), I still manage to be so unmotivated I neglect to start homework until nearly 10 pm. Shoot (and many other words).

I guess that's what caffeine is for.

That's a bad habit... Drinking caffeine at 10 at night.... I should stop..........Nahhhhh.

GPA > sleep

Anyway, the purpose of this post was to tell you all about my most recent, and ridiculous, dream. I realized that even after I set up my dream deciphering page months ago I never followed though with telling you about what my subconscious was trying to tell me via dreams.

So here we go.

Disclaimer: "I swear to you, before you read this next bit of information, that it is 100% true. I am not making this up. It really happened to me- despite how unrealistically awesome it sounds. Do not be fooled by its greatness."

This dream was about two weeks ago during a nap I took instead of studying for chemistry (what else).

It started off with me and a bunch of other people on Sophomore Street having some kind of lunch party. There was a Taco Cart ("Roach Coach" as my mom calls them) and a little plastic, blue kiddie pool parked in the middle of the road. We were all dancing, having fun doing whatever you do in dream Dance Parties. Then everyone decided that they wanted to go in the kiddie pool to cool off. Problem was, the pool was filled with pH 12 liquid (CHEMISTRY) and it would burn when it touched your skin. So they decided to compromise and only dunk their shoes in the liquid and then put them back on to "feel the burn". (I feel like this was a drug reference in my dreams, because I remember I felt bad about the whole thing and I didn't want to take part in the activities.... Maybe it had something to do with acids... DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME, I AM NOT A DRUGGIE. I THINK DRUGS ARE STUPID AND PEOPLE WHO USE AND ABUSE ARE EVEN MORE STUPID.) Everyone was pressuring me to just put one of my boots in the liquid and nothing bad would happen. Of course, being awesome me, I said no and did not fold to the peer pressure. But right before I was going to walk away, this crazy Swiss lady came running up to the group and started screaming out for someone named "Methane" (CHEMISTRY). Accent and all, she kept screaming for "Methane" and that, who ever "Methane" was, needed to take a math test retake. She then proceeded to grab me and start yelling/scolding for not coming to take my math retake. I kept insisting that I really didn't have a math retake. She kept dragging me along saying it was imperative I take this test. I started to get heated with her saying, no, as a matter-o-fact, I was not. She kept calling me "Methane". I started to yell.

And then I woke up.


Food- "Selling food is a dream of contrary and signifies a stroke of money luck; buying food predicts a happy family celebration."
Pool- "A swimming pool is a symbol of social gaiety, unless it was empty, dirty, or in poor condition, in which case it is a warning against gambling or speculation...To dream of playing in a pool suggests that you would benefit from cultivating new interests and new companions."
Exam (didn't have "test")- " The classic daddy of obstacle dreams with a classic simplicity of meaning. If you failed the examination, the dream is telling you that your ambitions are beyond your ability... If you passed the exam, it predicts comfortable achievement of all your hopes." (Not sure how to interpret this in regards to my 'non-existent retake'...)
Foreign- "A foreigner in your dream, whatever the nationality, is an auspicious omen if he or she was friendly." (NOT)
Boots- "If [the boots] were shabby and/or ill-fitting, you would be well advised to give more serious attention to your personal affairs."
Didn't have the meaning for "base" or "chemistry".
Didn't have the meaning for "math".

Thus, in conclusion, within the next month or so, I could possibly have a family celebration at which we may or may not go to a casino and gamble. If this were to happen, I should watch my money because I might loose everything. However, it being my lucky day, I will come into money luck because of my awesome skills at casino games (because I play them all the time............. *sarcasm*). This might piss someone off though because I am so inexperienced yet still manage to win money. This bad vibe between me and this "personal affair" person could end in a complete disaster.

Ohh, I'm good.

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